Sunday 25 January 2015

Budget Meetings not advertised on website.

Dean Ward says on his blog:

"The numbers you are talking about are part of the budget process, they are being made public every Thursday between 2-5pm as we work through that process. These meeting are open to anybody that wishes to attend. I would expect that once the budget process is over there will be all kinds of information coming out."

I might be interested in attending budget meetings discussing recreational facilities or economic development, but not sewage treatment. But I have no way of knowing what is on the agenda for each meeting. Councillors have the agendas but they are not made public and the meetings are not advertised on the website.

The previous council also told us it was our fault we were ignorant because we did not attend the unadvertised "Policy Committee" meetings.

Update: The December 11 Budget Meeting went in camera for the first 80 minutes.

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